lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2017

Two Californians say they survived separate shark attacks over the past few days by punching the fish in the head.

Scott Stephens, of Manilla, says a great white shark pulled him underwater on Tuesday at a popular surf spot off the coast of Eureka and let him go only after he hit it several times.

Doctors say Mr Stephens suffered lacerations, but none of his vital organs was damaged.

He talked about the ordeal at a news conference reported by the Eureka Times-Standard.

Mariko Haugen, of Folsom, told News10 she was swimming with her husband off Maui, Hawaii, over the weekend when she encountered a tiger shark.

She says her martial arts training prepared her and she punched it twice.

Ms Haugen was not bitten but did require stitches for some scratches.

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