jueves, 30 de noviembre de 2017

history of the white shark, silky birth

The white shark
The great white shark or silky is one of the most fascinating and feared creatures of nature. Its very mention causes terror among swimmers (some guilt has Steven Spielberg and his famous movie Jaws) and has for years been unfairly attacked and massacred by their insatiable devorahombres undeserved reputation. The reality is that every year more people in the world by bee stings than shark attacks and when this incident occurs it is usually because the shark confuses his victim with a succulent seal, because the human being is not between their culinary preferences.
The silky is characterized by robust body, spindle-shaped and ended in a conical head. Its back is dark gray contrasting with his white belly. It has two dorsal fins, the first largest, and two pectoral. His skin is rough and covered with a kind of hard scales called dermal denticles. As for his actions, usually about four or five feet long and 1,200 pounds, but have come to find copies over seven meters.
It has several rows of teeth large and triangular, serrated edges as sharp as knives and as soon as one becomes worn or breaks other moves into place. Its powerful jaws can exert a force of three hundred times greater than those of men.
With no swim bladder has to be in constant motion as if swimming parase sink and die. Also, your respiratory system needs water to enter the gills constantly.
One of their most developed sense is the ear because it has cells in his nose and side allow you to detect currents electromechanical vibration and low frequency sounds. His sensitive nose serves to sense a drop of blood from miles away and the view is also very pronounced.
Habitat and distribution
The white shark is distributed over the northern regions, temperate, subtropical and tropical in both hemispheres. Usually found on the continental shelf near the coast in South Africa, West Coast and northeastern North America, New Zealand, Japan, China, South America, Australia and the Mediterranean Sea. In the Iberian Peninsula can be found in the Mediterranean, Atlantic and Canary although not very common in our waters his sighting.
It is curious that the greatest threat to the white shark, considered for centuries as a great danger to man, is precisely the human being, due mainly to the commercial and recreational, incidental catches in fishing gear (longline, purse seine, trawl, fixed networks ...) and beach protection nets and the degradation of their natural habitat.
Its peculiar biology also helps in preserving the species and makes it very vulnerable to overexploitation due to their low reproductive rate and its not very long life (about 30 years). His curiosity and audacity, and its tendency to concentrate in certain areas, where food is abundant, also make it an easy prey to capture by some brainless to believe they are above doing something good for society freeing sized "monster".
Commercial exploitation of the white shark is based on parts of your body, such as teeth, jaws and fins, which are highly valued by unscrupulous collectors worldwide. Are also appreciated their liver oil, skin, bones and meat (considered a delicacy in some places).
The great white shark is protected in areas like California, U.S. East Coast, Gulf of Mexico, the Maldives, South Africa, Namibia, some areas of Australia (Tasmania, New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland), Israeli waters Mediterranean and Red Sea.
Understandably, as the Barcelona Convention, is considered a threatened species in the Mediterranean but is not protected in these waters, although there are areas such as the Strait of Sicily that are common breeding grounds.
The white shark in temperate waters seeking their breeding areas. Not able to reproduce until about nine years old and usually has between 4 and 10 pups in each delivery (every two or three years), of which many will not reach birth or being devoured by his brothers inside mother. http://tiburonblanco-carcharodon-whiteshark.blogspot.com/
The young are born vivíparamente (spring or summer) and are self-sufficient from birth, they had better be a fast swimmers or mother will eat around them.
Food and customs
It, along with the orca, one of the largest marine predators and their prey spectrum is very wide and varied (in your stomach to have come to find car license plates!). They usually feed on large fish (tuna, cod, swordfish ...), turtles, seals, sea lions, other sharks, small whales and the occasional dolphin. Nor is it too much to think when feeding on already dead animals.
Curiously often reject otters and sea birds as food. Your metabolism is very fast and that makes them always have a big appetite. Despite having more than 3,000 teeth do not chew their prey but the tear and swallow the pieces.
Contrary to popular belief, white sharks are social animals with complex behavior patterns quite apparently "talk" to each other and biting gently clutching his jaw (hence its many marks and scars. Despite its bad fame, not engaged to hunt human beings and when any attack is because the shark mistakes them for some of their usual prey or by this curious way of relating, that explains that then consume them.
The mackerel sharks usually live near the coast, although they have come to see more than a thousand feet deep. They are great hunters, agile (can perform impressive jumps on the surface), quick and efficient, attack their victims by surprise from below and after a first bite mortal, wait for it to bleed.
White sharks are able to travel long distances and although recent studies seem to show that they are nomadic animals has also been shown that some live regularly in their favorite areas (Spencer Gulf, Australia, Farallon Islands, California and Dyer Island, South Africa) feed. They usually travel alone but there have been cases of couples and even groups of seven or eight sharks.

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