miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2017

The white shark has other family members, some of which are the smallest of small family is the dwarf shark measures 70 centimeters

The white shark has other family members, some of which are the smallest of small family is the dwarf shark measures 70 inches. The greatest reach 15 meters is the whale shark and the basking shark which feed on fish but some feed on tiny shrimp krill.
By contrast the tiger shark and leopard shark are feared by fish and swimmers.
The most feared of all the white shark measuring 12 feet long at most and can weigh more than three tons, the white shark is one of the more dangerous it is also known as high hombres.Las white shark prey are sea ​​lions and seals. Orcas for white sharks is a big threat.
His jaw is composed of hundreds of sharp teeth like razors, when the white shark looses a tooth then again replace him well for life.
The name derives from the name White Shark medieval white silky or silky. Long before the appearance of the white shark, whale shark ....
  It was the dreaded a giant prehistoric shark Megalodon. This shark can grow up to twenty-four meters long and fifty tons in prehistoric shark was the most feared of all

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