miércoles, 22 de noviembre de 2017

The great white shark. This is the quintessential predator that everyone knows. The great white shark, scientific name Carcharodon carcharias meaning sharp toothis a direct descendant of the top predator of the story: the Megalodon.

The great white shark. This is the quintessential predator that everyone knows. The great white shark, scientific name Carcharodon carcharias meaning sharp toothis a direct descendant of the top predator of the story: the Megalodon.

The great white shark.
This is the quintessential predator that everyone knows. The great white shark, scientific name Carcharodon carcharias meaning "sharp tooth" is a direct descendant of the top predator of the story: the Megalodon.
No need to talk much about him, perhaps, to know that can grow up to 10 meters and weigh up to 3 tons, which in Cuba is known as the "man-eater" and that only the killer whales are able to face them ... but juveniles only.

Here are some pictures of this wonderful superpredator.

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