jueves, 30 de noviembre de 2017

history of the white shark, silky birth

The white shark
The great white shark or silky is one of the most fascinating and feared creatures of nature. Its very mention causes terror among swimmers (some guilt has Steven Spielberg and his famous movie Jaws) and has for years been unfairly attacked and massacred by their insatiable devorahombres undeserved reputation. The reality is that every year more people in the world by bee stings than shark attacks and when this incident occurs it is usually because the shark confuses his victim with a succulent seal, because the human being is not between their culinary preferences.
The silky is characterized by robust body, spindle-shaped and ended in a conical head. Its back is dark gray contrasting with his white belly. It has two dorsal fins, the first largest, and two pectoral. His skin is rough and covered with a kind of hard scales called dermal denticles. As for his actions, usually about four or five feet long and 1,200 pounds, but have come to find copies over seven meters.
It has several rows of teeth large and triangular, serrated edges as sharp as knives and as soon as one becomes worn or breaks other moves into place. Its powerful jaws can exert a force of three hundred times greater than those of men.
With no swim bladder has to be in constant motion as if swimming parase sink and die. Also, your respiratory system needs water to enter the gills constantly.
One of their most developed sense is the ear because it has cells in his nose and side allow you to detect currents electromechanical vibration and low frequency sounds. His sensitive nose serves to sense a drop of blood from miles away and the view is also very pronounced.
Habitat and distribution
The white shark is distributed over the northern regions, temperate, subtropical and tropical in both hemispheres. Usually found on the continental shelf near the coast in South Africa, West Coast and northeastern North America, New Zealand, Japan, China, South America, Australia and the Mediterranean Sea. In the Iberian Peninsula can be found in the Mediterranean, Atlantic and Canary although not very common in our waters his sighting.
It is curious that the greatest threat to the white shark, considered for centuries as a great danger to man, is precisely the human being, due mainly to the commercial and recreational, incidental catches in fishing gear (longline, purse seine, trawl, fixed networks ...) and beach protection nets and the degradation of their natural habitat.
Its peculiar biology also helps in preserving the species and makes it very vulnerable to overexploitation due to their low reproductive rate and its not very long life (about 30 years). His curiosity and audacity, and its tendency to concentrate in certain areas, where food is abundant, also make it an easy prey to capture by some brainless to believe they are above doing something good for society freeing sized "monster".
Commercial exploitation of the white shark is based on parts of your body, such as teeth, jaws and fins, which are highly valued by unscrupulous collectors worldwide. Are also appreciated their liver oil, skin, bones and meat (considered a delicacy in some places).
The great white shark is protected in areas like California, U.S. East Coast, Gulf of Mexico, the Maldives, South Africa, Namibia, some areas of Australia (Tasmania, New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland), Israeli waters Mediterranean and Red Sea.
Understandably, as the Barcelona Convention, is considered a threatened species in the Mediterranean but is not protected in these waters, although there are areas such as the Strait of Sicily that are common breeding grounds.
The white shark in temperate waters seeking their breeding areas. Not able to reproduce until about nine years old and usually has between 4 and 10 pups in each delivery (every two or three years), of which many will not reach birth or being devoured by his brothers inside mother. http://tiburonblanco-carcharodon-whiteshark.blogspot.com/
The young are born vivíparamente (spring or summer) and are self-sufficient from birth, they had better be a fast swimmers or mother will eat around them.
Food and customs
It, along with the orca, one of the largest marine predators and their prey spectrum is very wide and varied (in your stomach to have come to find car license plates!). They usually feed on large fish (tuna, cod, swordfish ...), turtles, seals, sea lions, other sharks, small whales and the occasional dolphin. Nor is it too much to think when feeding on already dead animals.
Curiously often reject otters and sea birds as food. Your metabolism is very fast and that makes them always have a big appetite. Despite having more than 3,000 teeth do not chew their prey but the tear and swallow the pieces.
Contrary to popular belief, white sharks are social animals with complex behavior patterns quite apparently "talk" to each other and biting gently clutching his jaw (hence its many marks and scars. Despite its bad fame, not engaged to hunt human beings and when any attack is because the shark mistakes them for some of their usual prey or by this curious way of relating, that explains that then consume them.
The mackerel sharks usually live near the coast, although they have come to see more than a thousand feet deep. They are great hunters, agile (can perform impressive jumps on the surface), quick and efficient, attack their victims by surprise from below and after a first bite mortal, wait for it to bleed.
White sharks are able to travel long distances and although recent studies seem to show that they are nomadic animals has also been shown that some live regularly in their favorite areas (Spencer Gulf, Australia, Farallon Islands, California and Dyer Island, South Africa) feed. They usually travel alone but there have been cases of couples and even groups of seven or eight sharks.

miércoles, 29 de noviembre de 2017

Two divers look at a great white during a dive without shark cages in the waters off the coast of Mexico.

Two divers look at a great white during a dive without shark cages in the waters off the coast of Mexico.  Deep sea photographer Daniel Botelho  took a series of pictures on a recent trip to a remote island off the coast of Mexico. The award-winning nature photographer insisted that while great white sharks are top-predators they very rarely regard humans as food...
Deep sea photographer Daniel Botelho took a series of pictures on a recent trip to a remote island off the coast of Mexico. The award-winning nature photographer insisted that while great white sharks are top predators they very rarely regard humans as food...Picture: Daniel Botelho / Barcroft Media

martes, 28 de noviembre de 2017

video tiburón blanco de la Alianza WWF-Telcel

En septiembre de 2012 participé en una expedición a la isla Guadalupe organizada por la Alianza WWF Telcel para fotografiar y filmar el tiburón blanco, su hábitat y las especies sobre las que depreda.

imagen Steven Spielberg en la boca del gran tiburon blanco Steven Spielberg picture in the mouth of the great white shark

Esta fotografía fue tomada durante el rodaje de la película Tiburón
  • martes, 27/11/2012 | 00:39 hs
Tiburón y la actitud risueña del afamado director
EEUU.-El tipo con gafas de sol y calcetines blancos que saluda a la cámara con gesto divertido mientras parece que está a punto de ser engullido por un gigantesco tiburón blanco es nada más y nada menos que Steven Spielberg.

Esta fotografía fue tomada durante el rodaje de la película Tiburón y la actitud risueña del afamado director se debe a que, obviamente, no se encuentra entre las fauces de un gran blanco de carne y hueso sino en las de uno de los escualos mecánicos que el equipo de efectos especiales fabricó para la filmación de las escenas submarinas.

Tiburón  es una película estadounidense de terror y suspense estrenada en 1975. Dirigida por Steven Spielberg, se basa en la novela homónima del escritor Peter Benchley.

Prototipo de éxito cinematográfico veraniego, su estreno es recordado como un verdadero hito en la historia del cine.

La película cuenta cómo un enorme tiburón blanco devorador de hombres ataca a los bañistas en las playas de Amity Island, circunstancia que lleva al jefe de la policía local a emprender la caza del escualo en compañía de unbiólogo marino y un cazatiburones profesional.

lunes, 27 de noviembre de 2017


Great White Shark Cage Diving Gansbaai pictures november 2012

If you are looking to get up close and personal with the great white shark then Great White Shark Cage Diving in Gansbaai, and more specifically with Marine Dynamics, is a once-in-a-lifetime experience you won’t want to miss. Book online with us and get a free video of your encounter with the world’s apex predator.

fotografia de gran tiburon blanco lleno de cicatrices

Fotografia Via Reddit

video de la caza del gran tiburon blanco

Aug 26 -31, 2012 Isla Guadalupe Trip Report WHITE SHARK THRILLER

Mark Denstedt is a return Shark Diver and now part of our shark diving clan. We plan on getting him face to face with Tigers in the Bahamas next;)

The sharp slap of small ocean swells against the hull of the Horizon crack the night air. The loud rumble of the engines begin to slow into a deep throated purr. The inky black of night slowly gives in to the small slivers of sunlight. And suddenly there it is!

From out of the gloom, the dark silhouette of Isla Guadalupe fades into view from it's shroud of mist.

It's around 5:30am and I'm standing in my favorite spot aboard the Horizon at this time, the bow. I can never get enough of the stunning sunrises out here away from the din of civilization. There before me is the shape of Isla Guadalupe, my second time out here withSharkdiver and the Horizon. And it's every bit as awe inspiring as it was the first time. Even now I have goosebumps thinking about it.

As the boat secures itself and both crew and aspiring shark divers begin to stir,and  from out of no where it hits you! There it is!! The reason you've travelled across 200 miles of ocean and it's the most beautiful thing you've experienced so far. The smell of Chef Mark's cooking!

Ok, ok, maybe that's not the reason for doing this but it's a damn close second if you ask me.

Obviously the real reason is seeing Great White Sharks doing what they do up close and personal. And boy did we get that on this trip. Day 1 there was a total of 14 white sharks spotted and identified by the end of the dive rotations for the day. At one point there 6 within viewing range of the cages. Already this trip has easily surpassed my first time out in 2010. In between rotations we had a full White Shark breach about 3 feet off the port side directly in front of one heck of a startled diver struggling to pull on his wet suit! We had a couple of the local seals come out and play around the cages for the entire day with the smaller of the two very curious about the cages and us. So curious in fact that he wound up pretty much in the cage! He poked me several times from behind with his nose startling me each and every time. He did the same thing to Richard a few times on his dives. Maybe it was because we're Canadian.

The second and third days were more quiet as far as the shark spotting went but the seals were back entertaining us and a couple of dolphins cruised by for a couple of minutes on Day 2. And we did see another 4 White Sharks.

Day 3 no seals but another 3 White Sharks were spotted with one being a rather large female. When she cruised our cage several times she was breath taking in her mass and girth. Myself, Trent and Matt just looked at each other wide eyed shaking our heads in wonder from the confines of our cage. And there was yet another full White Shark breach this time about 200 yards away but every bit as amazing as the first!

All in all I think we saw somewhere in the range of 20 sharks over the 3 days, I'm sure Martin has the exact number spotted. In any case this being my second trip out here it definitely one upped the last trip! I'm still unable to convey with words just how incredible it is to see a White Shark swimming less than six inches away from you, or the feeling I get when one makes eye contact with it's big beautiful blue eyes. It's at once a little frightening, a lot of exciting and a lot of goosebump raising. I don't know that I'll ever not be completely overwhelmed by the experience. It's kind of humbling and man, that burst of adrenaline you get when a Great White Shark seems to just materialize from out of no where is nothing short of incredible! I can not recommend this trip and Shark Diver enough. Yes there are other companies that do this trip, but at the same time there isn't. There is only Shark Diver.

Once again I extend my thanks to Patric, the crew of the Horizon; Martin,Carey,Dan,Mark,Carolyn,Nick,Kyle and Stephan, and most importantly the incredible group of divers that allowed me to share in their experiences out there. Once again I've made some new friends from this trip.

Last nite after one last dinner with Jay, Leo and my fellow Team Canada friends I walked back out to H&M Landing to watch the Horizon leave for the start of a new adventure with a new batch of divers. A couple of tears filled my eyes and a lump caught in my throat as I watched her head out. I was sad that once again my journey has come to an end but excited for the people aboard getting to experience the beauty and excitement of everything this trip has to offer.

domingo, 26 de noviembre de 2017


亨利,約翰·朗,MIKAEL Siverson,Cappetta和大衛·沃德,同時,發現白鯊,巨齒鯊,這反過來又來自Otodus cretolamna和兩個滅絕的史前鯊魚來自一個單獨的行。也有東方的大白鯊,這被認為是屬於發展過程中的一個缺失的環節建立了理論後代。巨齒鯊和大白鯊的牙齒之間的相似性表明兩者之間的進化趨同,但不是直接的遺傳聯繫。然而,科學家們仍在爭論的白鯊的確切來源。

La película Tiburón (Jaws) se remasterizará en formato Blu-ray e incluirá material adicional como un documental titulado El tiburón aún funciona


Los Ángeles, California.- La película Tiburón (Jaws) se remasterizará en formato Blu-ray e incluirá material adicional como un documental titulado El tiburón aún funciona; el impacto y el legado de Tiburón".

Según el portal español ABC, Universal, la productora del filme anunció que además se ofrecerá metraje nunca publicado y entrevistas con el reparto y el equipo técnico.

Cuando se estrenó el filme, se pensó que tendría un éxito sin precedentes, ya que se convirtió en la película más taquillera de la historia en el momento de su estreno en 1975 y sentó las bases del actual cine de suspenso, se informó.

Tiburón se convirtió en un fenómeno tanto cultural como sicológico que provocó casos reales de selacofobia, miedo irracional a los tiburones.

La película muestra la búsqueda desesperada de un tiburón blanco, responsable de varias muertes en el pueblo costero estadunidense de Amity y está inspirada en un libro homónimo de Peter Benchley.

Protagonizada por Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, Richard Dreyfuss y Lorraine Gary, Tiburón se rodó en la isla de Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, y debido al éxito se produjeron tres secuelas posteriores, ninguna dirigida por Steven Spielberg.

A pesar de que la producción y el rodaje de la película resultaron caóticos y más costosos y largos de lo que se tenía previsto, la película fue un éxito y obtuvo tres premios de la Academia: Mejor Banda Sonora (John Williams) , Mejor Sonido y Mejor Montaje; además fue candidata a Mejor Película.

telcel El público puede ayudar a la conservación de esta especie enterándose de sus amenazas y evitando el consumo de productos derivados del tiburón blanco

Enviar a un amigo
Se proyectará un corto en más de 4,000 salas de cine del país con el objetivo de generar un cambio en la percepción, actitudes y conductas hacia este depredador y sensibilizar al público sobre la importancia de protegerlo.
Mauricio Hoyos, científico: "El público puede ayudar a la conservación de esta especie enterándose de sus amenazas y evitando el consumo de productos derivados del tiburón blanco"
Científicos mexicanos que trabajan con la Alianza WWF-Telcel reportaron que de acuerdo con estudios recientes, la Isla Guadalupe –ubicada a 260 kilómetros de Ensenada, Baja California- es una zona de gran importancia para los tiburones blancos del Océano Pacífico. Según los especialistas, liderados por Mauricio Hoyos, el tiburón blanco elige esta área como zona de crianza secundaria, en la cual los miembros juveniles de la especie se protegen de otros depredadores y encuentran gran cantidad de presas, mientras aumentan de edad y crecen.

Como parte de su programa de conservación de especies prioritarias del Mar de Cortés, la Alianza WWF-Telcel realizó un cineminuto sobre el tiburón blanco en Isla Guadalupe, cuyo objetivo es generar un cambio en la percepción, actitudes y conductas hacia este depredador y sensibilizar al público sobre la importancia de protegerlo. El corto será proyectado en más de 4,000 salas de cine del país, entre noviembre y diciembre del 2012. Forma parte del trabajo de conservación de la Alianza WWF-Telcel y se produjo para comunicar el valor de salvaguardar los hábitats y las especies que, como el tiburón blanco, están en riesgo de extinción. SegúnHoyos "el público puede ayudar a la conservación de esta especie enterándose de sus amenazas y evitando el consumo de productos derivados del tiburón blanco. Asimismo, puede sumarse a las campañas a favor de su protección aprendiendo y difundiendo información veraz que elimine los mitos negativos y las falsas creencias en
torno a este maravilloso tiburón”.
La campaña para la conservación del tiburón blanco se complementará con la publicación de reportajes en revistas científicas especializadas y textos informativos destinados al público. Tanto el cineminuto como el trabajo que lleva a cabo la Alianza WWF-Telcel pueden verse en la página www.lanaturalezanosllama.com.