viernes, 23 de junio de 2017

Great White Shark caught in France

Date: late August 2012.
Location: Calvi, Haute-Corse Department, Corsica, France.
Species: Great white shark ( Carcharodon carcharias ).
Size: ca. 2 metres in length, 100 kg in weight.
A new record from the western Mediterranean Sea.
We have received the news from the Corsica – Mediterranean Shark Research Group that a juvenile great white shark ( Carcharodon carcharias ) was recently caught in a fishing net off the French island of Corsica.
According to a report by Vincent Maliet, the catch of the young white shark occurred in late August 2012 off Punta Revellata in the commune of Calvi. This place is located on the northwest coast of Corsica Island (see map below).
Fisherman Toussaint Lunardi took the photo of the shark which is pictured below. The size of the male specimen is estimated to be over 2 metres in length and 100 kg in weight.
Previous Records/Sightings of the Great White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias)
from the Mediterranean Region in 2011-2012
Source: Corsica – Groupe de Recherche sur les Requins de Méditerranée 
Photo Credit: Toussaint Lunardi

Date: 06. September 2012
Location: Brittany, France.
Species: Porbeagle shark ( Lamna nasus ).
Size: said to be ca. 2 metres in length.
The porbeagle died after it washed ashore at Damgan in the Morbihan department of Brittany
in north-western France.
Source: Le Telegramme. 
Photo Credit: Bertrand Le Bagousse

Date: 21. August 2012
Location: Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, Bouches-du-Rhône Department, southern France.
Species: Thresher shark ( Alopias vulpinus ).
Size: said to be 4 metres long.
A record from the Mediterranean Sea.
The specimen was caught by two recreational fishermen while fishing for tuna.
Source and Photo Credit: La Provence.

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