viernes, 8 de diciembre de 2017

Dimension of Evolution white shark Carcharodon megalodon regarding

Dimension of the white shark Carcharodon megalodon regarding
It is estimated that the white shark appeared on the planet during the Miocene, 3 being the oldest fossil found some 16 million years aproximadamente.4 According to biologists derived from Carcharodon megalodon, a giant prehistoric shark. However, other experts believe that, despite the undoubted membership of both the order of Lamniformes, actually the white shark is more closely with the Mako, Isurus gender.
According to paleontologists Shelton Applegate, John Maisey, Robert Purdy and biologist Leonard Compagno, the megalodon and the great white shark Carcharodon cretolamna come from, and therefore should be considered members of the same gender, the Carcharias, and the same family, Lamnidae.
Henri Cappetta, John Long, Mikael Siverson, and David Ward, meanwhile, found that the white shark comes from a separate line of the Megalodon, which in turn derives from Otodus cretolamna and two extinct prehistoric sharks. There are also established theoretical offspring of Carcharodon orientalis, which is believed to have belonged to a missing link in the evolution. The similarity between the teeth of megalodon and white shark show evolutionary convergence between the two, but not a direct genetic link. However, scientists still debate the exact origin of the white shark.

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